Senzar Advanced Training

The Core Motivations Method

Clear Scores of Belief Codes in Minutes

The Senzar Core Motivation Method is an incredibly fast, powerful and effective method for finding and clearing belief codes. This method facilitates the clearing of complex codes and code adaptations by isolating one or more of  thirty-six primary or 'core' motivations that have established predispositions for belief codes to form in the first place.

Your core motivations were established by You
before you began your soul journey.

Your subconscious mind can create hundreds, sometimes thousands, of code adaptations from a single complex belief code. Your belief code inventory, the deepest root of all your health issues, financial troubles, relationship conflicts and more, is incredibly vast because of this code adaptation process.

You need to use highly effective and efficient code busting methods, if you want to shift your circumstances within a reasonable amount of time. Learning the Core Motivations Method will help you clear large stashes of belief codes in record time, and help you clear codes that might be impossible to ferret out with other methods.

Prerequisites: Basic dowsing or muscle testing skills are required to enroll in this program (ability to get yes/no responses, to count, to do list dowsing). You must also have a good understanding and previous practice using basic Senzar belief code clearing methods, as reviewed in Chasing the Shadow of Free Will, An Introduction to Belief Codes*, or in related video training programs that are available in the Senzar Video Vault.

* A free E-book copy of Chasing the Shadow of Free Will is included with any purchase of a Keep-Forever Senzar Video Collection.