Senzar Advanced Training

Belief Code Cascades

Course content includes:

  • What is a Belief Code Cascade?- A belief code cascade is a chain reaction of belief code awakenings that occurs within a very short period of time - sometimes within minutes or hours, sometimes over the course of several days. These codes can remain active for weeks and even months.

    Cascades are being triggered frequently today as a by-product of environmental situations, cosmic activity, social media exposures, satellite transmissions from outer space, and Covid 19 vaccine influences. We'll review all the current triggers and how to quickly recognize when a cascade is in progress.

  • The Effects of a Cascade - Belief code cascades can drop you to your knees with fatigue, accelerate the development of disease in your body, collapse your financial wellness, extinguish positive synchronicities, and throw every aspect of your life off track. Other common effects of cascades include Spirit Unit breaks, spirit attachments, aura damage, polarity reversals in your chakra system, and more -- all of which will degrade your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
  • Managing the Downward Spiral - A common by-product of a cascade is a downswing in your physical energy and emotional state, and often a domino effect of undesirable events (sometimes small, sometimes large). In this program you will learn strategies for quickly upgrading your emotional state and physical energy level while under the thumb of a cascade, and how to mitigate negative manifestations so they don't become worse and worse as each day ticks by.
  • Rapid-Fire Code Busting - Using Senzar symbols and other very fast methods of clearing belief codes are key to escaping the clutches of a cascade. You'll learn how to jump-start your 'thinking-in-Senzar' abilities (crucial), and I'll share some Senzar symbols with you that can help you short-cut the code busting process.

  • The Upside - If a belief code cascade is dealt with effectively there is a huge upside, as you have just cleared scores of codes, and sometimes hundreds, that have caused you problems in the past and will surely cause problems for you in the future. If you've been frustrated by unyielding health situations, financial blockages, or relationship woes, becoming a Ninja cascade buster is a fast-track to moving forward.

Prerequisites to participate: Intermediate level dowsing skills (yes/no/list dowsing/counting) and strong inner visioning skills are required to make the most of the material that will be covered in this course. Basic skills in Senzar belief code clearing techniques, aura repair, and Spirit Unit repair, are also necessary.